This blog is going to be short and sweet because, honestly, there's not much to explain with this piece! Like all of the Motivational Minis, the words and artwork are both mine, and in this case, come in the form of a poem!
A couple weeks ago, I was partaking in my nightly routine of doodling (great way to reflect and refocus on the Lord, by the way), and depending on my mood, my sketchbook may be filled with cartoons, prayers, random scribblings, or legit art pieces. In this case, my prayer took on the form of a poem... a rather mournful one, might I add.
You see, I'm a very visual person, and since so much of my delight comes from creation - both the Lord's natural creations and our painted projects - I can struggle when summer turns to fall, turns to winter, turns to, oh wait, I like spring. Love spring, in fact.
When the seasons start looking less-than-abundant, my attitude and mental acumen can decline. I get depressed, more irritable, more afraid and less faith filled. I know this (it's happened for the past few years now), which is probably why I've begun to dread the end of those long summer days.
As such, when the clocks fell back and the dark suddenly interrupted the afternoon, I shared my struggle with the Lord.
And He met me with grace. Like He always does.
Because yes, the leaves will change and fall, the trees will look hauntingly barren against the gray, overcast skies...
But He will never change. Never fall. Never be barren because He is the King of Abundance (John 10:10). Plus, as every spring reminds us, the Creator has created roots that run deep. That sustain, strengthen, replenish regardless of the season.
No matter how desolate and despairing things seem, God is always in control. He always has a plan... even if we can't see those hearty, holy roots.
Friends, as long as we remain rooted in Him - connected to our Vine - we are safe (John 15:1-3). And who knows - we may come out of our dreary, wintery seasons with more brilliant blooms than ever before.