Hi friends!
It's been a whopping nine months since I've posted on Handiworks... sorry about that. Life got busy, but that's not really an excuse, is it?
We are all busy, after all. It's all about deciding what your priorities are, and suddenly you are able to make time for them. Funny how that works, right?
Well, after this hiatus, I've re-evaluated some of my priorities.
I have less than a year left at Messiah University, so I bet you can guess what's been bouncing around in my mind...

That dreaded question:
what's next?!
As an English major, that question is a bit open-ended. If I was studying teaching or nursing, I'd know what kind of jobs to look for. But I'm just a writer.
Writers are needed everywhere, true, but the job search tends to be less than straightforward.
So, I've become much more intentional as of late. Thus, the rebirth of Handiworks!
I'll be honest, I'm not sure what this website will turn into. I still want to share my work, but I also want to post more regular everyday musings-- insight into the mind of a creative, if you will.
I've been working on some exciting stuff (like writing and illustrating a novel!!!) and I'm excited to share snippets of my projects here.
Oh, and regarding the photo, I have actually been published... Surprise! I've made it a habit of submitting my writing to different magazines/websites, and one of my poems got published by a Christian literary journal called Calla Press.
I can't tell you how giddy I get when I google "Calla Press Innocence" and my work comes up. Maybe you could google it sometime too ;)
But I'll be nice and put the link in here: https://callapress.com/innocence-by-maddie-miller/
In all seriousness, having this little poem become published is such a blessing. I pray that God continues to use my writing to speak His Word.
Well, I think that's all for the moment. But I promise, it will not be nine months before you hear from me again.
...Soli Deo Gloria.