Hi everyone, this week's post focuses on a poem I wrote called "The Nevers". I hope you enjoy!
The Nevers
I’ve never kissed a frog.
But I wish I did.
I found one once,
Little girl traipsing through
The garden. I made him
A house, pebbles piled high,
Leafen roof precariously
placed. I gently caressed
his slimy wart-covered skin
Like he was a babe; but
I did not kiss him.
I was afraid
My prince would not appear.
I’ve never risked, dared, tried.
The chains of fear
Held tight:
Never procrastinate,
Failure is my fear. Never
Fail a test, or cry
In public.
Can’t be weak. No dating
Either: vulnerability only
Causes rejection. Pain. Never
Have failed, or cried, or dated.
But I wish I have.
I wish I did
Procrastinate, fail.
I should’ve failed, cried,
Dated. I wish
I’d done it all.
For to live is to dare,
Leap into that great
Unknown, where pain and
Sorrow so often wait.
But pain isn’t without
Pleasure, peace, relief,
Sorrow not without
Glee— as we giggle and skip
Through the garden.
Balance, life, risk, oh how I
Wish I’d kissed those
Slimy green lips!
And if I find that frog again,
I won’t make the same
Mistake. I’ll give that frog
A great big smooch
And have faith
That this time,
My prince shall awake.
Pause and Ponder: What does this poem mean to you? Are there things in your life that you regret doing/not doing? Does fear control your life, or does faith? Ask the Lord to strengthen your courage as He leads you through life.